Welcome, come submissively for Theology is an empty vessel without grace in the heart.

This is designed to be a Christ focused expository look at common questions and basic biblical and theological terms. I wish for us to examine in the simplest terms, so even I can comprehend, as they are expounded upon in the bible, answers to foundations of sound doctrine and look towards the single focus of glorifying God.

I pray that we come humblily to His Word and He opens our hearts to His message and blinds us to our ignorance. In Jesus name, Amen…

September 25, 2004

Does it matter what you believe?

I cringe when I hear someone say, “it doesn’t matter what you believe, we are all going to the same place”. The fact is there can be no unity or fellowship outside of a foundation of sound doctrine (Rom 16:17). To say that it doesn’t matter what you believe is to say it doesn’t matter what the Bible says and that His word is insignificant (I Tim 4:13). To say that it is ok to wonder in false doctrine and knowing continue to sin and blasphemy God’s word is heresy (I Tim 4:1-2).

What you believe is the foundation for saving faith (I Tim 4:16). What you believe is the essence of comfort to a believer (Rom 15:4). A sound doctrine causes one not to waver and may convince nay-Sayers (Tit 1:9). And sound doctrine exhorts God and glorifies His finished work (Jhn 7:16-18; Tit 2:10).

Everyone believes something; it is important what you hold on to for your security and steadfast believe. Search the scriptures, mediate on His word, and pray for revelation. Desire to understand Christ doctrine for there is great profit in them. Finally take inventory of yourself and what you believe. Examine what you think is truth and sincerely ask yourself this.
- Is it based on scriptures alone or is it what someone else told you it should be.
- Is it based on grace alone or is there merit in anything you do or add.
- Does it exhorts God and is focused on Christ alone or is wrapped in what you should do.
False doctrine is anything that is contrary to these revelations and must be avoided (I Tim 1:3-4; II Jhn :10).

September 24, 2004

What Is The Gospel All About? Gary Shepard

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The gospel of Christ is not about an offer, it is about His one offering for sins forever. It is not about a proposition but the fact that God set Him forth as the propitiation through faith in His blood. It is not about God giving all a chance but about Him choosing a people in Christ before the world began. It is not about a way available but about Christ the Way alone. It is not about God trying to do something but about God triumphing on behalf of someone. It is not about man's will but about the Lamb's worthiness. It is not about man's decision but about Christ's death. It is not about infused goodness but about imputed righteousness. It is not a matter of apologetics and debate but of apostolic declarations. It is not about our good but His grace. It is not building a church but about the Builder of the Church. It's not about "church planting" but about the church God purchased with His own blood. It's not about how many but about His mercy. It's not about what to give God but about what He's given us in Christ. It's not about law, it's about Christ the End of the Law For Righteousness. In other words, it's all about God, His grace, His Son and His glory!

September 23, 2004

Does God save sinners through a false gospel? By Doug Weaver

Recently I was discussing with someone about whether a person could be saved under the preaching of a false gospel. As I have been thinking about this over the past few days several things have been brought to my attention. We know first of all that it is only through the preaching of the Truth, the true gospel that God saves sinners as is clearly set forth in Romans 10:14. This is the means whereby God has chosen to save sinners. The truth about the person and work of Christ must be proclaimed and as He is proclaimed His "sheep hear His voice and follow." All of His sheep are eventually brought under the preaching of the true gospel and the Spirit gives them spiritual life which results in ears to hear and eyes to see Christ.

So the question remains, "Does God save sinners under the preaching of a false gospel?" Well, we must ask another question which will hopefully give us some direction. "Which Christ is being preached?" Does God save His people through the preaching of Mohammed? How about Jim Jones or Joseph Smith? Or maybe Sun Yun Moon? For anyone who understands the Word of God knows that there is only one true Christ who can and will save sinners. (Jn. 14:6)

Friends, if any christ other than the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible is preached it is no different than hearing a story about Mohammed or some other false prophet in history. The great tragedy of this day is that churches all across this land, using the same Bible as we use, are preaching a different jesus and a different christ. Churches are filled with people trusting in a false christ. Humanism and the flesh have so corrupted the average church today that it is rare to hear of the True Christ who is sovereign and sovereignly saves those whom He wills to save. After hearing of the christ commonly taught today we must conclude that it is not the same Christ that we see revealed in Scripture. So if the christ that is preached in most churches today is not the revealed Christ of Scripture, it is clear that people making decisions under that kind of christ are hopelessly lost.

There is only one Christ who saves sinners and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the all Sovereign Monarch of the universe. It is through the preaching of the Person and work of this Christ that God is pleased to reveal to His lost sheep their utter depravity, God's unconditional election, the irresistible work of the Holy Spirit and the particular, effectual atonement of Christ.