Welcome, come submissively for Theology is an empty vessel without grace in the heart.

This is designed to be a Christ focused expository look at common questions and basic biblical and theological terms. I wish for us to examine in the simplest terms, so even I can comprehend, as they are expounded upon in the bible, answers to foundations of sound doctrine and look towards the single focus of glorifying God.

I pray that we come humblily to His Word and He opens our hearts to His message and blinds us to our ignorance. In Jesus name, Amen…

September 24, 2004

What Is The Gospel All About? Gary Shepard

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The gospel of Christ is not about an offer, it is about His one offering for sins forever. It is not about a proposition but the fact that God set Him forth as the propitiation through faith in His blood. It is not about God giving all a chance but about Him choosing a people in Christ before the world began. It is not about a way available but about Christ the Way alone. It is not about God trying to do something but about God triumphing on behalf of someone. It is not about man's will but about the Lamb's worthiness. It is not about man's decision but about Christ's death. It is not about infused goodness but about imputed righteousness. It is not a matter of apologetics and debate but of apostolic declarations. It is not about our good but His grace. It is not building a church but about the Builder of the Church. It's not about "church planting" but about the church God purchased with His own blood. It's not about how many but about His mercy. It's not about what to give God but about what He's given us in Christ. It's not about law, it's about Christ the End of the Law For Righteousness. In other words, it's all about God, His grace, His Son and His glory!