Welcome, come submissively for Theology is an empty vessel without grace in the heart.

This is designed to be a Christ focused expository look at common questions and basic biblical and theological terms. I wish for us to examine in the simplest terms, so even I can comprehend, as they are expounded upon in the bible, answers to foundations of sound doctrine and look towards the single focus of glorifying God.

I pray that we come humblily to His Word and He opens our hearts to His message and blinds us to our ignorance. In Jesus name, Amen…

August 28, 2004

What do you mean Sovereign?

Although the word sovereign id not found in the Bible, its inferences and substance in imbedded in every text. In the most simplest terms sovereignty means God is God. Only He, unto Himself, can be exalted above all and is God of very God (Psa 97:9). Arthur W. Pink wrote, “Few could comprehend the solitariness of God”. Image “in the beginning”, to mediate on the fullness of that statement, to truly understand that before any He was. He is the Living God, infinite in His being (Isa 44:6). At the same time, as we define it, God is with us always watching over us to do as He wills (Mat 18:20, 28:20). A sovereign God is without any limitations. He is Lord of Heaven and earth, creator of ALL, subject to none, influenced by none, and absolutely the Almighty (I Cor 29:11). Not only is there nothing He cannot do, within His nature, but also there is nothing left to chance. For all things, that are made by Him are within His dominion (Prov 16:4). Anything less than that takes glory away from God. Anything that gives any control to any of His creations most limits God, which takes away any and all sovereignty.