So is everyone going to hell?
Give thanks to the Lord, though undeserving as any of us are, that out of His good pleasure alone before time He elected some to an everlasting life (II Thes 2:13). Even though there are those many left to their sins and banished to eternal hell, there are also some scattered among the fallen generation of Adam, of every nation, man and women God has chosen to salvation. Those who must and will be saved (Jhn 15:16). Rejoice; cry out for God has made a covenant of hope (Gal 4:23-28). Even though man willing brings himself under the curse of and full penalty of the law, it pleased God to make a covenant of grace, giving freely eternal life and salvation by Jesus. A sovereign promise given unto all that He has foreordained unto eternal life. The gift of His Holy Spirit to make them willing and able to believe (Exd 3:21, I Pet 1:21).
I must take great care in my explanation that even though He controls all things, God who being absolutely holy and righteous neither is nor can be the author or approver of sin (Jam 1:13). All I can do to expand upon this is to say that by God’s secret council and good pleasure of His will, has foreordained all things for a manifestation of His glory (I Cor 1:31). Simply put, some men and angels are predestinated or elected to eternal life through Jesus to praise His glorious grace (Eph 1:6). While others are left to act in their sins to their condemnation to praise His glorious justice (Rom 5:20, 9:22). God not only knows and insures all things to come to pass but all things infallibly come to pass for God’s glory (Isa 63:14).
The covenant of grace can be and is the only sufficient promise and means of salvation and how everyone is not going to hell. Glory to a sovereign God for His will to save a prince among sinners.